April 2024:







NAV 2024-04-30*:























Fund name ALCUR
Management company ALCUR FONDER AB
Management team Erik Eikeland (Head PM), Mikael Holm, Wilhelm Gruvberg, Oscar Karlsson, Peter Guve, Johan Klevby (CIO)
Fund type Long/short Equity (AIF)
Geographical focus Nordic Countries
Management fee 1% per annum
Performance fee* 20% over SSVX90, Collective fee, monthly
Subscription Monthly, Notice T-1 banking day
Redemption Monthly, Notice T-10 banking days
Minimum investment SEK 500.000
Launch date January 10th, 2007
Account SEB 5565-1038841
ISIN SE0001904798
IBAN SE8050000000055651038841
Depository bank SEB, Skandinaviska Ensilda Banken
Regulator Finansinspektionen,
Base currency SEK
Custodian SEB, Skandinaviska Ensilda Banken
Auditor Daniel Algotsson, PWC
Transfer agent Wahlstedt Sageryd,
Risk management Wahlstedt Sageryd
Compliance Harvest – Björn Wendleby,
Trading day 1st banking day of the month
NAV valuation Monthly NAV, (daily indicative NAV upon request)
Trading in fund units – TA contact Wahlstedt Sageryd, Box 7029, 103 86 Stockholm, Sweden, +46 8 56 260 200 (Johan Gråsjö/Patrik Hartsö)


Management company ALCUR FONDER AB
Management team Wilhelm Gruvberg (Head PM), Mikael Holm, Erik Eikeland, Oscar Karlsson, Peter Guve, Johan Klevby (CIO)
Fund type Long/short Equity (AIF)
Geographical focus Nordic Countries
Management fee 1% per annum
Performance fee* 20% over SSVX90, Collective fee, monthly
Subscription Monthly, Notice T-1 banking day
Redemption Quarterly, Notice T-30 banking days
Minimum investment SEK 500.000 / 100.000 top-ups
Launch date May 11th, 2018
Account SEB 5851-1113916
ISIN SE0011167121
IBAN IBAN SE4250000000058511113916
Depository bank SEB, Skandinaviska Ensilda Banken
Regulator Finansinspektionen,
Base currency SEK
Custodian SEB, Skandinaviska Ensilda Banken
Auditor Daniel Algotsson, PWC
Transfer agent Wahlstedt Sageryd,
Risk management Wahlstedt Sageryd
Compliance Harvest – Björn Wendleby,
Trading day 1st banking day of the month
NAV valuation Monthly NAV, (daily indicative NAV upon request)
Trading in fund units – TA contact Wahlstedt Sageryd, Box 7029, 103 86 Stockholm, Sweden, +46 8 56 260 200 (Johan Gråsjö/Patrik Hartsö)


Fund name ALCUR GROW
Management company ALCUR FONDER AB
Management team Mikael Holm (Head PM), Wilhelm Gruvberg, Erik Eikeland, Oscar Karlsson, Johan Klevby (CIO)
Fund type Long/short Equity (AIF)
Geographical focus Nordic Countries
Management fee 1% per annum
Performance fee* 10% over SSVX90 +5% units, Collective fee, monthly
Subscription Monthly, Notice T-1 banking day
Redemption Quarterly, Notice T-30 banking days
Minimum investment A-shares SEK 10.000.000
Minimum investment A-shares SEK 1000
Launch date January 1st, 2021
Account A-shares SEB 5851-11 191 75   IBAN SE5750000000058511119175
Account B-shares SEB 5851-11 191 83   IBAN SE3550000000058511119183
ISIN A-shares SE0015196001
ISIN B-shares SE0015196019
Depository bank SEB, Skandinaviska Ensilda Banken
Regulator Finansinspektionen,
Base currency SEK
Custodian SEB, Skandinaviska Ensilda Banken
Auditor Daniel Algotsson, PWC
Transfer agent Wahlstedt Sageryd,
Risk management Wahlstedt Sageryd
Compliance Harvest – Björn Wendleby,
Trading day 1st banking day of the month
NAV valuation Monthly NAV, (daily indicative NAV upon request)
Trading in fund units – TA contact Wahlstedt Sageryd, Box 7029, 103 86 Stockholm, Sweden, +46 8 56 260 200 (Johan Gråsjö/Patrik Hartsö)

* The fund uses collective performance fee with HWM. NAV price is net of management fee and performance fee.


Our funds are a specialty funds pursuant to the Swedish Mutual Funds Act (2004:46). It is the responsibility of every person interested in investing to ensure that the investment takes place in accordance with applicable laws and other regulations. Foreign law may have the effect of preventing investors outside Sweden from investing. ALCUR FONDER AB has no responsibility whatsoever to verify whether an investment made from outside Sweden takes place in accordance with the laws of the relevant country. The material on this website is directed only at persons in Sweden. Any dispute or claim concerning the fund shall be resolved according to Swedish law and exclusively by Swedish courts of law. There is no guarantee that an investment in ALCUR cannot result in a loss. This applies irrespective of otherwise positive performance on the financial markets. Past performance is no guarantee for future results. Information from the fund shall not be considered a recommendation to invest in ALCUR. Every person considering purchasing units in the funds must make an independent assessment of an investment and the risks associated therewith. An investment in the ALCUR funds should be seen as a long-term investment.

Information on our website, messages, presentations, e-mails, letters, incl. attachments from ALCUR FONDER, are intended only for the designated recipient and may contain privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the designated recipient you are hereby informed that you have received the message in error and that any copying, distribution, disclosing or other kind of use of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender by replying to this e-mail and delete it from your computer. Investors should always read relevant KIID and prospectus before investing and we advise you to meet with us in order to understand the risk involved in our funds.

This infomation is not intended for the general public. It is designed for use by Financial Intermediaries, banks, Investment Companies, Financial Institutions and providers of Financial Products. Nothing within this presentation constitutes an invitation or offer to buy or sell any investment, nor is it intended to provide a basis on which to make an investment decision or a personal recommendation. The price and value of the ALCUR FUNDs may fluctuate, past performance is not a guide to future performance and there is no guarantee for future returns. You might loose your money investing in the funds. Information on this website is not directed at any person in any jurisdiction where the publication or availability of this presentation is prohibited. Persons in respect of whom such prohibitions apply must not access this presentation.

Access is restricted to Qualified Investors (QI) and subject to successful identification. Therefore, any and all information contained in this presentation is solely directed at such QI. It is not allowed to directly or indirectly grant access to information or distribute information to other person other than QI.

In many countries the investment funds mentioned in this presentation are subject to restrictions in relation to publication and access via the Internet, marketing, offering and/or selling. Reference is made to the respective prospectus for any details, however, it is the obligation of each person to inform itself about and to obey any restrictions. Thus subjects to any restriction shall not access this presentation. In relation to a particular investment fund, all current versions of all documents in relation to such investment fund shall be considered. All further or additional reservations in such documents apply.